The inaugural GBA1 meeting, exclusively tailored for health professionals and stakeholders from both academia and industry engaging/specializing in GBA1 research, promises to be an exciting event. Topics of discussion will include all aspects of GBA1 research, from basic science to clinical trials (visit the registration link below). The meeting will serve as a unique platform to collectively advance the understanding and treatment of GBA1-associated neurodegenerative diseases.
A great success!
Here is the meeting summary…
GBA1 Meeting 2024 served as a unique platform to collectively advance the understanding and treatment of GBA1-associated neurodegenerative diseases. G-Can, the GBA1 Canada initiative, hosted the inaugural GBA1 meeting in 2024, held at The Neuro (The Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) in Montreal, Canada, from June 27-29.

The event’s success was made possible by the efforts and sponsorship from our partners: the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Cure Parkinson’s, Parkinson Canada, the Silverstein Foundation, and over 15 pharmaceutical companies.
The meeting was attended by more than 200 participants, from 135 institutions both in-person and virtually, including representatives from academic institutions, clinical researchers, early career researchers, patients, and trainees. Scientifically, the meeting featured prominent clinicians and researchers in the GBA1 research field, presenting talks on topics ranging from basic science to clinical trials and translational research. There was a total of 42 talks, panel discussions, and 38 posters.
The presentations and discussions highlighted current advancements in GBA1 research, including new technologies, therapeutic approaches, and ongoing clinical trials. Additionally, the meeting emphasized understudied areas of GBA1 research, such as the effects on the immune system, mitochondria, and Lipidomics.
Overall, the meeting provided networking opportunities that fostered future collaborations and sparked a desire for similar gatherings in the future. As a result, the GBA1 meeting will now become an annual event to promote collaboration and open-science approach among all stakeholders to advance GBA1 research and treatments.
See some photos below:

~Photos by Owen Egan and Joni Dufour